minister's academy
Starting this fall, we will be starting our inaugural Minister's Academy. You will be learning or be refreshed on practical ministry. We will cover various aspects of ministry and pastoring. Plus, there will be periodic bible teachers to sharpen us on the word of God. Click below for more info.
Our Home Missions department provides opportunities to serve and help those in need. Whether it's cleanup from a hurricane or remodeling a deteriorating church building, we are there to lend a hand.
From the humble beginnings of our movement in 1919 to the creation of the Southwest Texas District as it exists today , God has been at work to bring the body of Christ together. While we occupy the southwest corner of the state of Texas, our hearts are to reach people from every part of the globe for Jesus.
We see the Kingdom of God forcefully advancing through a vibrant, thriving brotherhood of believers who love God with all their heart (worship), head (Word), hands (work), and feet (witness). We equip men to maximize their potential as Kingdom men, who mentor others to carry on the mission of spiritual fatherhood.
Women’s ministries exist to represent Jesus Christ throughout the earth. We are laborers together with God, EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit to impact our families, our communities, our nation and our world.
We desire to see students rise up and fulfill the call of God that is on their lives, not just tomorrow, but TODAY. We strive to do this by creating opportunities for students to know God through a personal relationship with Christ, follow him by experiencing discipleship & Spirit-empowered living, and IMPACTing the world around them by teaching others to do the same. Every program we create, event that is held, or resource that is developed, revolves around this mission.