Check out some of the topics we will cover
- Weddings
- Funerals
- Baby Dedications
- Baptisms
- more...
core values
- What are core values and why your church needs them
- How to develop core values
- Using core values in decision making
- more...
service flow
- Why be concerned with service flow
- Landing the plane
- Flowing worship
- Incorporating offering and announcements without killing the service.
- more...
counseling versus advising
- Why we don't "Counsel"
- Ministering without getting sued
- CYA - Cover Your Advisors
- more...
These are just some of the topics we will be covering. Others include "Levels of Leadership," "Politics and the Church," "Bad behavior in leadership and the pew," "The Pitfalls of ministry and how to avoid them."
Plus there will be opportunities to learn from some well qualified bible teachers.
Plus there will be opportunities to learn from some well qualified bible teachers.