Providing Relief
We were able to provide hundreds of dollars of relief items for those affected by Hurricane Ida. Bishop Bob Jayne and C.O.O. James Hooper made a day trip from San Marcos Texas to Baton Rouge Louisiana to deliver the items. The people that were living in the church in Watson Louisiana were so grateful for the supplies. We provided cleaning supplies, diapers, paper towels, toilet paper, food, and many more things to help those experiencing the loss.
It was quite an eventful trip. Bishop and James were between Baytown and Beaumont when they had a tire blowout on the trailer. They were able to change it out quickly and get back on the road. Once they arrived in Watson, they noticed both front tires on the trailer were severely damaged. It appears the front axle had been bent on a separate trip. With the help of the local pastor, who is the Louisiana District Bishop, and several of the men that were living at the church, they were abler to remove the axle so Bishop Jayne and James could limp home on one axle. Thank God for his mercy, it could have been much worse.
It was quite an eventful trip. Bishop and James were between Baytown and Beaumont when they had a tire blowout on the trailer. They were able to change it out quickly and get back on the road. Once they arrived in Watson, they noticed both front tires on the trailer were severely damaged. It appears the front axle had been bent on a separate trip. With the help of the local pastor, who is the Louisiana District Bishop, and several of the men that were living at the church, they were abler to remove the axle so Bishop Jayne and James could limp home on one axle. Thank God for his mercy, it could have been much worse.
Hurricane Harvey decimated several of our churches on the coast. Our Home Missions department partnered with the National Missions department to aide in the recovery process.