BOLD - Encounter Conference 2024
Jan 11 - 13 Euless, TX, Uncommon Church

This years Encounter Conference was another one for the record books. The theme was BOLD and all in attendance seemed to have been infused with the very essence of the word.
Bishop Ming kicked the conference off with a new expanded format on Friday morning with a message called, "Bold As a Lion." Using Proverbs 28:1, "The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion," he gave us 3 ways of BEING BOLD:
1. Be BOLD by trusting in God with ALL your HEART
2. Be BOLD from the inside out - "What's important to God is the who before the do!"
3. Be BOLD by being hungry - Stop sitting on the sidelines and start living on the other side of the comma
Bishop Ming kicked the conference off with a new expanded format on Friday morning with a message called, "Bold As a Lion." Using Proverbs 28:1, "The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion," he gave us 3 ways of BEING BOLD:
1. Be BOLD by trusting in God with ALL your HEART
2. Be BOLD from the inside out - "What's important to God is the who before the do!"
3. Be BOLD by being hungry - Stop sitting on the sidelines and start living on the other side of the comma

Other dynamite sessions included Randy Lawrence (National Youth Director) and Adam McCain who taught us the power of 7 Hallelujahs and led us into a time of worship laden with prayer, prophesy and proclamation.
The breakout sessions and educational presentation gave us clear actionable steps for exercising and enacting our BOLDNESS. Randy L. and Brandon Kelley (SOMO DYD) laid out detailed plans for crafting a meaningful Sunday morning worship experience and how to harness the power of church online. Jon Jennings taught us about the vital need for soul care as leaders and dropped a golden nugget illustrated by Jesus in the garden. “Even Jesus needed a community around him standing with him…that’s why He kept asking the sleepy disciples to pray! If Jesus needed that community, how much more do you and I as we live and serve?!” Tom Toney admonished us concerning the “Slow Fade” of our youth from out churches and the need for not only discipleship /service oriented student ministries but for Parents to lead the charge to reverse the slow fade by rethinking discipleship in their own homes.
If you are looking for a solid discipleship based student ministries curriculum then look no further than Kuest Kids. The Kuest program is all about discipleship through action and not just through teaching Biblical stories and events. Have you ever considered the possibility that even your elementary students can jump right in and begin to serve by doing things as simple as making the coffee or being greeters?
Posted in Encounter
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